Cards by Other Artists
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Cards by Other Artists - Everyday Joys
Icon of the Three-Handed Theotokos
Monastery Hildandar, Mt. Athos, Greece
Item Code Misc1000

CLEARANCE SALE (regular $3 each)


(blank inside)


  • Icon print in the style of the Hilander Mother of God
  • Complimentary envelope included
  • Hand-packaged in a complimentary protective, resealable clear polypropylene bag

History: (Source:, 11/21/2020)

  • Bogorodica Trojeručica (Serbian Cyrillic: Богородица Тројеручица, Greek: Παναγία Τριχερούσα, Panagia Tricherousa, meaning "Three-handed Theotokos") or simply Trojeručica (Тројеручица, Three-handed) is a famous wonderworking icon in the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Hilandar on Mount Athos, Greece.  It depicts the Theotokos (Virgin Mary) with the young Jesus in the hodegetria position, and is covered with a riza.  It is the most important icon of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
  • According to tradition, the icon was in the possession of John of Damascus in the early 8th century and it is associated with his miraculous healing around the year 717.  According to tradition, while he was serving as Vizier to caliph Al-Walid I, he was falsely accused of treachery and his hand was cut off.  The accusation was, allegedly, made by Byzantine Iconoclast emperor Leo the Isaurian, who was indeed a great opponent of St John, and friend of Al-Walid I.  Upon praying in front of an icon of the Theotokos, allegedly, his hand was miraculously restored. In thanksgiving, he had a silver replica of his hand fashioned and attached it to the icon.  After this, the icon became known as "three-handed" (Tricherousa), because it had three hands (two of Theotokos plus one more).

Card Size: 

4.5" x 6.25"

Icon of the Wedding at Cana
Ancient Faith Publishing
Item Code AF004488


(blank inside)


  • Icon print of the Wedding at Cana
  • Includes a prayer from the wedding liturgy printed on back of card
  • Complimentary envelope included

Card Size: 

5" x 7"

Cards by Other Artists - Christmas Edition
Icon Christmas Card, Kazan Mother of God
Production of Andre Ruzhnikov Russian Icons
Item Code RE1000xmas

CLEARANCE SALE (regular $3 each)


"Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!"  (written in Russian and English)


  • Local Producer (Palo Alto, California)
  • Icon print in the style of the "Kazan Mother of God"
  • Icon characteristics and history printed on back of card
  • Envelope not included

Card Size: 

5" x 7"

Icon Christmas Card, Nativity in Bethlehem
Ancient Faith Publishing
Item Code AF007930xmas


"Behold a mighty wonder!  In Bethlehem, in a manger of dumb beasts, a young Child is born who is the eternal God!  Glorify Him!"


  • Icon print of the Nativity in Bethlehem
  • Complimentary envelope included

Card Size: 

5" x 7"

Icon Christmas Card, Nativity of Christ
Ancient Faith Publishing
Item Code AF008854xmas


"Christ is born! Glorify Him!"


  • Icon print of the Nativity of Christ
  • Complimentary envelope included

Card Size: 

5" x 7"

Icon Christmas Card, Virgin and Child
Ancient Faith Publishing
Item Code AF008131xmas


"Christ is born! Glorify Him!"  (written in many languages)


  • Icon print in the style of the "Mother of God Eleousa" or "Virgin of Tenderness"
  • Complimentary envelope included

Card Size: 

5" x 7"

Icon Christmas Card, Virgin and Child (Russian style)
Ancient Faith Publishing
Item Code AF008228xmas


"And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name, Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.  --Matthew 1:21" and "Glorify Him!"


  • Icon print in the style of the Iveron icon of the Mother of God
  • Complimentary envelope included

Card Size: 

5" x 7"

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1519 Washington St, Calistoga, CA 94515

(707) 942-6244